On the number of vertices of the stochastic tensor polytope

Abstract in English

This paper is devoted to the study of lower and upper bounds for the number of vertices of the polytope of $ntimes ntimes n$ stochastic tensors (i.e., triply stochastic arrays of dimension $n$). By using known results on polytopes (i.e., the Upper and Lower Bound Theorems), we present some new lower and upper bounds. We show that the new upper bound is tighter than the one recently obtained by Chang, Paksoy and Zhang [Ann. Funct. Anal. 7 (2016), no.~3, 386--393] and also sharper than the one in Linial and Lurias [Discrete Comput. Geom. 51 (2014), no.~1, 161--170]. We demonstrate that the analog of the lower bound obtained in such a way, however, is no better than the existing ones.
