A new concept multi-stage Zeeman decelerator: experimental implementation

Abstract in English

We demonstrate the successful experimental implementation of a multi-stage Zeeman decelerator utilizing the new concept described in the accompanying paper. The decelerator consists of an array of 25 hexapoles and 24 solenoids. The performance of the decelerator in acceleration, deceleration and guiding modes is characterized using beams of metastable Helium ($^3S$) atoms. Up to 60% of the kinetic energy was removed for He atoms that have an initial velocity of 520 m/s. The hexapoles consist of permanent magnets, whereas the solenoids are produced from a single hollow copper capillary through which cooling liquid is passed. The solenoid design allows for excellent thermal properties, and enables the use of readily available and cheap electronics components to pulse high currents through the solenoids. The Zeeman decelerator demonstrated here is mechanically easy to build, can be operated with cost-effective electronics, and can run at repetition rates up to 10 Hz.
