Subspace Identification of Large-Scale 1D Homogeneous Networks

Abstract in English

This paper considers the identification of large-scale 1D networks consisting of identical LTI dynamical systems. A new subspace identification method is developed that only uses local input-output information and does not rely on knowledge about the local state interaction. The identification of the local system matrices (up to a similarity transformation) is done via a low dimensional subspace retrieval step that enables the estimation of the Markov parameters of a locally lifted system. Using the estimated Markov parameters, the state-space realization of a single subsystem in the network is determined. The low dimensional subspace retrieval step exploits various key structural properties that are present in the data equation such as a low rank property and a {em two-layer} Toeplitz structure in the data matrices constructed from products of the system matrices. For the estimation of the system matrices of a single subsystem, it is formulated as a structured low-rank matrix factorization problem. The effectiveness of the proposed identification method is demonstrated by a simulation example.
