Building on recent advances in the understanding of gauge-Yukawa theories we explore possibilities to UV-complete the Standard Model in an asymptotically safe manner. Minimal extensions are based on a large flavor sector of additional fermions coupled to a scalar singlet matrix field. We find that asymptotic safety requires fermions in higher representations of $SU(3)_Ctimes SU(2)_L$. Possible signatures at colliders are worked out and include $R$-hadron searches, diboson signatures and the evolution of the strong and weak coupling constants.
We perform a comprehensive search for Standard Model extensions inspired by asymptotic safety. Our models feature a singlet matrix scalar field, three generations of vector-like leptons, and direct links to the Higgs and flavor sectors via new Yukawa and portal couplings. A novel feature is that the enlarged scalar sector may spontaneously break lepton flavor universality. We provide a complete two-loop renormalization group analysis of the running gauge, Yukawa, and quartic couplings to find ultraviolet fixed points and the BSM critical surface of parameters, $i.e.$ the set of boundary conditions at the TeV scale for which models remain well-behaved and predictive up to the Planck scale without encountering Landau poles or instabilities. This includes templates for asymptotically safe Standard Model extensions which match the measured values of gauge couplings and the Higgs, top, and bottom masses. We further detail the phenomenology of our models covering production, decay, fermion mixing, anomalous magnetic moments, effects from scalar mixing and chiral enhancement, and constraints on model parameters from data. Signatures at proton-proton and lepton colliders such as lepton flavor violation and displaced vertices, and the prospect for electric dipole moments or charged lepton-flavor-violating type processes, are also indicated.
The measurements of the muon and electron anomalous magnetic moments hint at physics beyond the standard model. We show why and how models inspired by asymptotic safety can explain deviations from standard model predictions naturally. Our setup features an enlarged scalar sector and Yukawa couplings between leptons and new vector-like fermions. Using the complete two-loop running of couplings, we observe a well-behaved high energy limit of models including a stabilization of the Higgs. We find that a manifest breaking of lepton universality beyond standard model Yukawas is not necessary to explain the muon and electron anomalies. We further predict the tau anomalous magnetic moment, and new particles in the TeV energy range whose signatures at colliders are indicated. With small CP phases, the electron EDM can be as large as the present bound.
Interacting fixed points in four-dimensional gauge theories coupled to matter are investigated using perturbation theory up to three loop order. It is shown how fixed points, scaling exponents, and anomalous dimensions are obtained as a systematic power series in a small parameter. The underlying ordering principle is explained and contrasted with conventional perturbation theory and Weyl consistency conditions. We then determine the conformal window with asymptotic safety from the complete next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbation theory. Limits for the conformal window arise due to fixed point mergers, the onset of strong coupling, or vacuum instability. A consistent picture is uncovered by comparing various levels of approximation. The theory remains perturbative in the entire conformal window, with vacuum stability dictating the tightest constraints. We also speculate about a secondary conformal window at strong coupling and estimate its lower limit. Implications for model building and cosmology are indicated.
Properties of QCD at finite imaginary chemical potential are revisited to utilize for the model building of QCD in low energy regimes. For example, the electric holonomy which is closely related to the Polyakov-loop drastically affects thermodynamic quantities beside the Roberge-Weiss transition line. To incorporate several properties at finite imaginary chemical potential, it is important to introduce the holonomy effects to the coupling constant of effective models. This extension is possible by considering the entanglement vertex. We show justifications of the entanglement vertex based on the derivation of the effective four-fermi interaction in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model and present its general form with the local approximation. To discuss how to remove model ambiguities in the entanglement vertex, we calculate the chiral condensate with different $mathbb{Z}_3$ sectors and the dual quark condensate.
We study interacting fixed points and phase diagrams of simple and semi-simple quantum field theories in four dimensions involving non-abelian gauge fields, fermions and scalars in the Veneziano limit. Particular emphasis is put on new phenomena which arise due to the semisimple nature of the theory. Using matter field multiplicities as free parameters, we find a large variety of interacting conformal fixed points with stable vacua and crossovers inbetween. Highlights include semi-simple gauge theories with exact asymptotic safety, theories with one or several interacting fixed points in the IR, theories where one of the gauge sectors is both UV free and IR free, and theories with weakly interacting fixed points in the UV and the IR limits. The phase diagrams for various simple and semi-simple settings are also given. Further aspects such as perturbativity beyond the Veneziano limit, conformal windows, and implications for model building are discussed.