Accessing hadronic form factors at large momentum transfers has traditionally presented a challenge for lattice QCD simulations. Here we demonstrate how a novel implementation of the Feynman-Hellmann method can be employed to calculate hadronic form factors in lattice QCD at momenta much higher than previously accessible. Our simulations are performed on a single set of gauge configurations with three flavours of degenerate mass quarks corresponding to $m_pi approx 470 text{ MeV}$. We are able to determine the electromagnetic form factors of the pion and nucleon up to approximately $6 text{ GeV}^2$, with results for $G_E/G_M$ in the proton agreeing well with experimental results.
Lattice QCD can provide a direct determination of meson electromagnetic form factors, making predictions for upcoming experiments at Jefferson Lab. The form factors are a reflection of the bound-state nature of the meson and so these calculations give information about how confinement by QCD affects meson internal structure. The region of high squared (space-like) momentum-transfer, $Q^2$, is of particular interest because perturbative QCD predictions take a simple form in that limit that depends on the meson decay constant. We previously showed incite{jonnaff} that, up to $Q^2$ of 6 $mathrm{GeV}^2$, the form factor for a `pseudo-pion made of strange quarks was significantly larger than the asymptotic perturbative QCD result and showed no sign of heading towards that value at higher $Q^2$. Here we give predictions for real mesons, the $K^+$ and $K^0$, in anticipation of JLAB results for the $K^+$ in the next few years. We also give results for a heavier meson, the $eta_c$, up to $Q^2$ of 25 $mathrm{GeV}^2$ for a comparison to perturbative QCD in a higher $Q^2$ regime.
We evaluate the strange nucleon electromagnetic form factors using an ensemble of gauge configurations generated with two degenerate maximally twisted mass clover-improved fermions with mass tuned to approximately reproduce the physical pion mass. In addition, we present results for the disconnected light quark contributions to the nucleon electromagnetic form factors. Improved stochastic methods are employed leading to high-precision results. The momentum dependence of the disconnected contributions is fitted using the model-independent z-expansion. We extract the magnetic moment and the electric and magnetic radii of the proton and neutron by including both connected and disconnected contributions. We find that the disconnected light quark contributions to both electric and magnetic form factors are non-zero and at the few percent level as compared to the connected. The strange form factors are also at the percent level but more noisy yielding statistical errors that are typically within one standard deviation from a zero value.
We evaluate the isovector nucleon electromagnetic form factors in quenched and full QCD on the lattice using Wilson fermions. In the quenched theory we use a lattice of spatial size 3 fm at beta=6.0 enabling us to reach low momentum transfers and a lowest pion mass of about 400 MeV. In the full theory we use a lattice of spatial size 1.9 fm at beta=5.6 and lowest pion mass of about 380 MeV enabling comparison with the results obtained in the quenched theory. We compare our lattice results to the isovector part of the experimentally measured form factors.
The electromagnetic form factors of the proton and the neutron are computed within lattice QCD using simulations with quarks masses fixed to their physical values. Both connected and disconnected contributions are computed. We analyze two new ensembles of $N_f = 2$ and $N_f = 2 + 1 + 1$ twisted mass clover-improved fermions and determine the proton and neutron form factors, the electric and magnetic radii, and the magnetic moments. We use several values of the sink-source time separation in the range of 1.0 fm to 1.6 fm to ensure ground state identification. Disconnected contributions are calculated to an unprecedented accuracy at the physical point. Although they constitute a small correction, they are non-negligible and contribute up to 15% for the case of the neutron electric charge radius.
Results on the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon using twisted mass fermion configurations are presented. These include a gauge field ensemble simulated with two degenerate light quarks yielding a pion mass of around 130 MeV, as well as two ensembles that include strange and charm quarks in the sea yielding pion masses of 210 MeV and 373 MeV. Details of the methods used and systematic errors are discussed, such as noise reduction techniques and the effect of excited states contamination.