A Search for L/T Transition Dwarfs With Pan-STARRS1 and WISE. III. Young L Dwarf Discoveries and Proper Motion Catalogs in Taurus and Scorpius-Centaurus

Abstract in English

We present the discovery of eight young M7-L2 dwarfs in the Taurus star-forming region and the Scorpius-Centaurus OB Association, serendipitously found during a wide-field search for L/T transition dwarfs using Pan-STARRS1 (optical) and WISE (mid-infrared) photometry. We identify PSO J060.3200+25.9644 (near-infrared spectral type L1) and PSO J077.1033+24.3809 (L2) as new members of Taurus based on their VL-G gravity classifications, the consistency of their photometry and proper motions with previously known Taurus objects, and the low probability of contamination by field objects. PSO J077.1033+24.3809 is the coolest substellar member of Taurus found to date. Both Taurus objects are among the lowest mass free-floating objects ever discovered, with estimated masses $approx$6 M$_{rm Jup}$, and provide further evidence that isolated planetary-mass objects can form as part of normal star-formation processes. PSO J060.3200+25.9644 (a.k.a. DANCe J040116.80+255752.2) was previously identified as a likely member of the Pleiades (age $approx125$ Myr) based on photometry and astrometry, but its VL-G gravity classification and near-infrared photometry imply a much younger age and thus point to Taurus membership. We have also discovered six M7-L1 dwarfs in outlying regions of Scorpius-Centaurus with photometry, proper motions, and low-gravity spectral signatures consistent with membership. These objects have estimated masses $approx$15-36 M$_{rm Jup}$. The M7 dwarf, PSO J237.1470-23.1489, shows excess mid-infrared flux implying the presence of a circumstellar disk. Finally, we present catalogs of Pan-STARRS1 proper motions for low-mass members of Taurus and Upper Scorpius with median precisions of $approx$3 mas yr$^{-1}$, including 67 objects with no previous proper motion and 359 measurements that improve on literature values.
