Distributed Approximation Algorithms for the Multiple Knapsack Problem

Abstract in English

We consider the distributed version of the Multiple Knapsack Problem (MKP), where $m$ items are to be distributed amongst $n$ processors, each with a knapsack. We propose different distributed approximation algorithms with a tradeoff between time and message complexities. The algorithms are based on the greedy approach of assigning the best item to the knapsack with the largest capacity. These algorithms obtain a solution with a bound of $frac{1}{n+1}$ times the optimum solution, with either $mathcal{O}left(mlog nright)$ time and $mathcal{O}left(m nright)$ messages, or $mathcal{O}left(mright)$ time and $mathcal{O}left(mn^{2}right)$ messages.
