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The electromagnetic Sigma-to-Lambda hyperon transition form factors at low energies

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 Added by Stefan Leupold
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is English

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Using dispersion theory the low-energy electromagnetic form factors for the transition of a Sigma to a Lambda hyperon are related to the pion vector form factor. The additionally required input, i.e. the two-pion--Sigma--Lambda amplitudes are determined from relativistic next-to-leading-order (NLO) baryon chiral perturbation theory including the baryons from the octet and optionally from the decuplet. Pion rescattering is again taken into account by dispersion theory. It turns out that the inclusion of decuplet baryons is not an option but a necessity to obtain reasonable results. The electric transition form factor remains very small in the whole low-energy region. The magnetic transition form factor depends strongly on one not very well determined low-energy constant of the NLO Lagrangian. One obtains reasonable predictive power if this low-energy constant is determined from a measurement of the magnetic transition radius. Such a measurement can be performed at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR).

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The measured electromagnetic form factors of $Lambda$ hyperon in the time-like region are significantly deviated from pQCD prediction. We attribute the non-vanishing cross section near threshold to be the contribution of below-threshold $phi$(2170) state, supporting its exotic structure. Above the threshold, we find significant role of a wide vector meson with the mass of around 2.34 GeV, which would be the same state present in $pbar{p}$ annihilation reactions. As a result, we give a satisfactory description of the behavior of existing data without modifying pQCD expectation.
By the analysis of the world data base of elastic electron scattering on the proton and the neutron (for the latter, in fact, on $^2H$ and $^3He$) important experimental insights have recently been gained into the flavor compositions of nucleon electromagnetic form factors. We report on testing the Graz Goldstone-boson-exchange relativistic constituent-quark model in comparison to the flavor contents in low-energy nucleons, as revealed from electron-scattering phenomenology. It is found that a satisfactory agreement is achieved between theory and experiment for momentum transfers up to $Q^2sim$ 4 GeV$^2$, relying on three-quark configurations only. Analogous studies have been extended to the $Delta$ and the hyperon electromagnetic form factors. For them we here show only some sample results in comparison to data from lattice quantum chromodynamics.
120 - Zhong-Yi Li , An-Xin Dai , 2021
The near-threshold $e^+e^- to Lambdabar{Lambda}$ reaction is studied with the assumption that the production mechanism is due to a near-$Lambda bar{Lambda}$-threshold resonance. The cross section of $e^+e^- to Lambdabar{Lambda}$ reaction is parametrized in terms of the electromagnetic form factors of $Lambda$ hyperon, which are obtained within the vector meson dominance model. It is shown that the contribution to the $e^+e^- to Lambdabar{Lambda}$ reaction from a new narrow state with quantum numbers $J^{PC}=1^{--}$ is dominant for energies very close to threshold. The mass of this new state is about 2232 MeV, which is very close to the mass threshold of $Lambda bar{Lambda}$, while its width is just a few MeV. This solves the problem that all previous calculations seriously underestimate the near-threshold total cross section of the $e^+e^- to Lambdabar{Lambda}$ reaction.
158 - A.J. Buchmann 2004
The C2/M1 ratio of the electromagnetic N->Delta(1232) transition, which is important for determining the geometric shape of the nucleon, is shown to be related to the neutron elastic form factor ratio G_C^n/G_M^n. The proposed relation holds with good accuracy for the entire range of momentum transfers where data are available.
Dalitz decays of a hyperon resonance to a ground-state hyperon and an electron-positron pair can give access to some information about the composite structure of hyperons. We present expressions for the multi-differential decay rates in terms of general transition form factors for spin-parity combinations J^P = 1/2^+/-, 3/2^+/- of the hyperon resonance. Even if the spin of the initial hyperon resonance is not measured, the self-analyzing weak decay of the final ground-state hyperon contains information about the relative phase between combinations of transition form factors. This relative phase is non-vanishing because of the unstable nature of the hyperon resonance. If all form factor combinations in the differential decay formulae are replaced by their respective values at the photon point, one obtains a QED type approximation, which might be interpreted as characterizing hypothetical hyperons with point-like structure. We compare the QED type approximation to a more realistic form factor scenario for the lowest-lying singly-strange hyperon resonances. In this way we explore which accuracy in the measurements of the differential Dalitz decay rates is required in order to distinguish the composite-structure case from the pointlike case. Based on the QED type approximation we obtain as a by-product a rough prediction for the ratio between the Dalitz decay width and the corresponding photon decay width.
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