X-ray Binaries

Abstract in English

This chapter discusses the implications of X-ray binaries on our knowledge of Type Ibc and Type II supernovae. X-ray binaries contain accreting neutron stars and stellar--mass black holes which are the end points of massive star evolution. Studying these remnants thus provides clues to understanding the evolutionary processes that lead to their formation. We focus here on the distributions of dynamical masses, space velocities and chemical anomalies of their companion stars. These three observational features provide unique information on the physics of core collapse and supernovae explosions within interacting binary systems. There is suggestive evidence for a gap between ~2-5 Msun in the observed mass distribution. This might be related to the physics of the supernova explosions although selections effects and possible systematics may be important. The difference between neutron star mass measurements in low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) and pulsar masses in high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) reflect their different accretion histories, with the latter presenting values close to birth masses. On the other hand, black holes in LMXBs appear to be limited to <~12 Msun because of strong mass-loss during the wind Wolf-Rayet phase. Detailed studies of a limited sample of black-hole X-ray binaries suggest that the more massive black holes have a lower space velocity, which could be explained if they formed through direct collapse. Conversely, the formation of low-mass black holes through a supernova explosion implies that large escape velocities are possible through ensuing natal and/or Blaauw kicks. Finally, chemical abundance studies of the companion stars in seven X-ray binaries indicate they are metal-rich (all except GRO J1655-40) and possess large peculiar abundances of alpha-elements (Abridged)
