Spin polarization observables of the deuteron photodisintegration at low energies in pionless effective field theory

Abstract in English

Spin polarization observables of the deuteron photodisintegration at low energies are studied in a pionless effective field theory up to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO). The total and differential cross sections, induced neutron polarization $P_{y}$, and tensor analyzing powers $T_{20}$ and $T_{22}$ of the process are calculated at photon energies from the breakup threshold to 20~MeV. We find that the NNLO corrections in the cross sections and $P_{y}$ converge well whereas they turn out to be important contributions in $T_{20}$ and $T_{22}$. We discuss the discrepancy between theory and experiment in $P_{y}$ still persisting as well as an implication of our result to the first measurement of $T_{20}$ at low energies in the HIGS facility.
