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Physical properties of seven binary and higher-order multiple OB systems

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 Added by Petr Harmanec
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Analyses of multi-epoch, high-resolution (~ 50000) optical spectra of seven early-type systems provided various important new insights with respect to their multiplicity. First determinations of orbital periods were made for HD 92206C (2.022 d), HD 112244 (27.665 d), HD 164438 (10.25 d), HD 123056A (~ 1314 d) and HD 123056B (< 2 d); the orbital period of HD 318015 could be improved (23.445975 d). Concerning multiplicity, a third component was discovered for HD 92206C by means of He I line profiles. For HD 93146A, which was hitherto assumed to be SB1, lines of a secondary component could be discerned. HD 123056 turns out to be a multiple system consisting of a high-mass component A (~ O8.5) displaying a broad He II 5411 A feature with variable radial velocity, and of an inner pair B (~ B0) with double He I lines. The binary HD 164816 was revisited and some of its system parameters were improved. In particular, we determined its systemic velocity to be -7 km/s, which coincides with the radial velocity of the cluster NGC 6530. This fact, together with its distance, suggests the cluster membership of HD 164816. The OB system HD 318015 (V1082 Sco) belongs to the rare class of eclipsing binaries with a supergiant primary (B0.5/0.7). Our combined orbital and light-curve analysis suggests that the secondary resembles an O9.5III star. Our results for a limited sample corroborate the findings that many O stars are actually massive multiple systems.

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The early-type massive binary MQ Cen (P$_{orb}$=3.7 d) has been investigated by means of high-resolution ($Rsim48,000$) spectral analysis and multi-band (Johnson $BVRI$ and Str{o}mgren $vby$) light curve modeling. The physical parameters of the components have been found to be $M_1= 4.26pm0.10$ M$_{odot}$, $R_1= 3.72pm0.05 $R$_{odot}$, $T_{rm eff1}=16,600pm520$ K, and $M_2= 5.14pm0.09 $M$_{odot}$, $R_2= 7.32pm0.03 $R$_{odot}$, $T_{rm eff2}=15,000pm500$ K for the primary and secondary, respectively. The orbital inclination is $i=87.0pm0.2$ deg. The distance to MQ Cen has been derived to be $d=2,460pm310$ pc which locates it in the Crux OB1 association. However, the age of MQ~Cen ($sim70$ Myr) is higher than the one reported for the Crux OB1 association ($sim$6 Myr). The derived masses are implying a spectral type of B5 for the primary and B4 for the secondary component. Nevertheless, the secondary component, which is more massive, appears to be cooler than the primary component: It has completed its lifetime on the main-sequence and it is now positioned at the turn-off point of the giant branch, meanwhile the less massive primary component is still staying on the main-sequence.
The recent gravitational wave measurements have demonstrated the existence of stellar mass black hole binaries. It is essential for our understanding of massive star evolution to identify the contribution of binary evolution to the formation of double black holes. A promising way to progress is investigating the progenitors of double black hole systems and comparing predictions with local massive star samples such as the population in 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Methods. To this purpose, we analyse a large grid of detailed binary evolution models at LMC metallicity with initial primary masses between 10 and 40 Msun, and identify which model systems potentially evolve into a binary consisting of a black hole and a massive main sequence star. We then derive the observable properties of such systems, as well as peculiarities of the OB star component. We find that about 3% of the LMC late O and early B stars in binaries are expected to possess a black hole companion, when assuming stars with a final helium core mass above 6.6 M to form black holes. While the vast majority of them may be X-ray quiet, our models suggest that these may be identified in spectroscopic binaries, either by large amplitude radial velocity variations ( > 50 km s ) and simultaneous nitrogen surface enrichment, or through a moderate radial velocity ( > 10 km/s ) and simultaneously rapid rotation of the OB star. The predicted mass ratios are such that main sequence companions could be excluded in most cases. A comparison to the observed OB+WR binaries in the LMC, Be/X-ray binaries, and known massive BH binaries supports our conclusion. We expect spectroscopic observations to be able to test key assumptions in our models, with important implications for massive star evolution in general, and for the formation of double-black hole mergers in particular.
117 - M. E. Lohr 2015
The Super Wide Angle Search for Planets (SuperWASP) is a whole-sky high-cadence optical survey which has searched for exoplanetary transit signatures since 2004. Its archive contains long-term light curves for ~30 million 8-15 V magnitude stars, making it a valuable serendipitous resource for variable star research. We have concentrated on the evidence it provides for eclipsing binaries, in particular those exhibiting orbital period variations, and have developed custom tools to measure periods precisely and detect period changes reliably. Amongst our results are: a collection of 143 candidate contact or semi-detached eclipsing binaries near the short-period limit in the main sequence binary period distribution; a probable hierarchical triple exhibiting dramatic sinusoidal period variations; a new doubly-eclipsing quintuple system; and new evidence for period change or stability in 12 post-common-envelope eclipsing binaries, which may support the existence of circumbinary planets in such systems. A large-scale search for period changes in ~14000 SuperWASP eclipsing binary candidates also yields numerous examples of sinusoidal period change, suggestive of tertiary companions, and may allow us to constrain the frequency of triple systems amongst low-mass stars.
New high-quality CCD photometric light curves for the W UMa-type systems V410 Aur, CK Boo, FP Boo, V921 Her, ET Leo, XZ Leo, V839 Oph, V2357 Oph, AQ Psc and VY Sex are presented. The new multicolor light curves, combined with the spectroscopic data recently obtained at David Dunlap Observatory, are analyzed with the Wilson-Devinney code to yield the physical parameters (masses, radii and luminosities) of the components. Our models for all ten systems resulted in a contact configuration. Four binaries (V921 Her, XZ Leo, V2357 Oph and VY Sex) have low, while two (V410 Aur and CK Boo) have high fill-out factors. FP Boo, ET Leo, V839 Oph and AQ Psc have medium values of the fill-out factor. Three of the systems (FP Boo, V921 Her and XZ Leo) have very bright primaries as a result of their high temperatures and large radii.
115 - K. Gazeas , S. Zola , A. Liakos 2021
This paper presents the results of a combined spectroscopic and photometric study of 20 contact binary systems: HV Aqr, OO Aql, FI Boo, TX Cnc, OT Cnc, EE Cet, RWCom, KR Com, V401 Cyg, V345 Gem, AK Her, V502 Oph, V566 Oph, V2612 Oph, V1363 Ori, V351 Peg, V357 Peg, Y Sex, V1123 Tau and W UMa, which was conducted in the frame of the W UMa Project. Together with 51 already covered by the project and an additional 67 in the existing literature, these systems bring the total number of contact binaries with known combined spectroscopic and photometric solutions to 138. It was found that mass, radius and luminosity of the components follow certain relations along the MS and new empirical power relations are extracted.We found that 30 per cent of the systems in the current sample show extreme values in their parameters, expressed in their mass ratio or fill-out factor. This study shows that, among the contact binary systems studied, some have an extremely low mass ratio (q < 0.1) or an ultra-short orbital period (Porb < 0.25 d), which are expected to show evidence of mass transfer progress. The evolutionary status of these components is discussed with the aid of correlation diagrams and their physical and orbital parameters compared to those in the entire sample of known contact binaries. The existence of very short orbital periods confirms the very slow nature of the merging process, which seems to explain why their components still exist as MS stars in contact confgurations even after several Gyr of evolution.
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