Electrically driving nuclear spin qubits with microwave photonic bangap resonators

Abstract in English

The electronic and nuclear spin degrees of freedom for donor impurities in semiconductors form ultra coherent two-level systems that are useful for quantum information applications. Spins naturally have magnetic dipoles, so alternating current (AC) magnetic fields are frequently used to drive spin transitions and perform quantum gates. These fields can be difficult to spatially confine to single donor qubits so alternative methods of control such as AC electric field driven spin resonance are desirable. However, donor spin qubits do not have electric dipole moments so that they can not normally be driven by electric fields. In this work we challenge that notion by demonstrating a new, all-electric-field method for controlling neutral $^{31}$P and $^{75}$As donor nuclear spins in silicon through modulation of their donor-bound electrons. This method has major advantages over magnetic field control since electric fields are easy to confine at the nanoscale. This leads to lower power requirements, higher qubit densities, and faster gate times. We also show that this form of control allows for driving nuclear spin qubits at either their resonance frequency or the first subharmonic of that frequency, thus reducing device bandwidth requirements. Interestingly, as we relax the bandwidth requirements, we demonstrate that the computational Hilbert space is expanded to include double quantum transitions, making it feasible to use all four nuclear spin states to implement nuclear-spin-based qudits in Si:As. Based on these results, one can envision novel high-density, low-power quantum computing architectures using nuclear spins in silicon.
