We provide a variety of results for (quasi)convex, law-invariant functionals defined on a general Orlicz space, which extend well-known results in the setting of bounded random variables. First, we show that Delbaens representation of convex functionals with the Fatou property, which fails in a general Orlicz space, can be always achieved under the assumption of law-invariance. Second, we identify the range of Orlicz spaces where the characterization of the Fatou property in terms of norm lower semicontinuity by Jouini, Schachermayer and Touzi continues to hold. Third, we extend Kusuokas representation to a general Orlicz space. Finally, we prove a version of the extension result by Filipovi{c} and Svindland by replacing norm lower semicontinuity with the (generally non-equivalent) Fatou property. Our results have natural applications to the theory of risk measures.