Antiferromagnetism with divalent Eu in EuNi$_5$As$_3$

Abstract in English

We have successfully synthesized single crystals of EuNi$_5$As$_3$ using a flux method and we present a comprehensive study of the physical properties using magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, electrical resistivity, thermoelectric power and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements. EuNi$_5$As$_3$ undergoes two close antiferromagnetic transitions at respective temperatures of $T_{N1}$ = 7.2 K and $T_{N2}$ = 6.4 K, which are associated with the Eu$^{2+}$ moments. Both transitions are suppressed upon applying a field and we map the temperature-field phase diagrams for fields applied parallel and perpendicular to the easy $a$ axis. XAS measurements reveal that the Eu is strongly divalent, with very little temperature dependence, indicating the localized Eu$^{2+}$ nature of EuNi$_5$As$_3$, with a lack of evidence for heavy fermion behavior.
