Schur $Q$-functions and the Capelli eigenvalue problem for the Lie superalgebra $mathfrak q(n)$

Abstract in English

Let $mathfrak l:= mathfrak q(n)timesmathfrak q(n)$, where $mathfrak q(n)$ denotes the queer Lie superalgebra. The associative superalgebra $V$ of type $Q(n)$ has a left and right action of $mathfrak q(n)$, and hence is equipped with a canonical $mathfrak l$-module structure. We consider a distinguished basis ${D_lambda}$ of the algebra of $mathfrak l$-invariant super-polynomial differential operators on $V$, which is indexed by strict partitions of length at most $n$. We show that the spectrum of the operator $D_lambda$, when it acts on the algebra $mathscr P(V)$ of super-polynomials on $V$, is given by the factorial Schur $Q$-function of Okounkov and Ivanov. This constitutes a refinement and a new proof of a result of Nazarov, who computed the top-degree homogeneous part of the Harish-Chandra image of $D_lambda$. As a further application, we show that the radial projections of the spherical super-polynomials corresponding to the diagonal symmetric pair $(mathfrak l,mathfrak m)$, where $mathfrak m:=mathfrak q(n)$, of irreducible $mathfrak l$-submodules of $mathscr P(V)$ are the classical Schur $Q$-functions.
