Spin-Wave versus Joule Heating in Spin-Hall-Effect/Spin-Transfer-Torque Driven Cr/Heusler/Pt Waveguides

Abstract in English

We present a time-resolved study of the DC-current driven magnetization dynamics in a microstructured Cr/Heusler/Pt waveguide by means of Brillouin light scattering. A reduction of the effective spin-wave damping via the spin-transfer-torque effect leads to a strong increase in the magnon density. This is accompanied by a decrease of the spin-wave frequencies. By evaluating the time scales of these effects, the origin of this frequency shift can be identified. However, recently, we found that the experimental setup partially influences the decay of the spin-wave intensity after the current pulse is switched off. Thus, further investigations on the presented effect are needed to allow for a more detailed analysis. For this reason, we need to withdraw the manuscript at this point and might publish an updated version later.
