On the fly control of high harmonic generation using a structured pump beam

Abstract in English

High harmonic generation (HHG) is an extreme nonlinear frequency up-conversion process during which extremely short duration optical pulses at very short wavelengths are emitted. A major concern of HHG is the small conversion efficiency at the single emitter level. Thus ensuring that the emission at different locations are emitted in phase is crucial. At high pump intensities it is impossible to phase match the radiation without reverting to ordered modulations of either the medium or the pump field itself, a technique known as Quasi-Phase-Matching (QPM). To date, demonstrated QPM techniques of HHG were usually complicated and/or lacked tunability. Here we demonstrate experimentally a relatively simple, highly and easily tunable QPM technique by using a structured pump beam made of the interference of different spatial optical modes. With this technique we demonstrate on-the-fly, tunable quasi-phase-matching of harmonic orders 25 to 39 with up to 30 fold enhancement of the emission.
