Sulfur Hazes in Giant Exoplanet Atmospheres: Impacts on Reflected Light Spectra

Abstract in English

Recent work has shown that sulfur hazes may arise in the atmospheres of some giant exoplanets due to the photolysis of H$_{2}$S. We investigate the impact such a haze would have on an exoplanets geometric albedo spectrum and how it may affect the direct imaging results of WFIRST, a planned NASA space telescope. For temperate (250 K $<$ T$_{rm eq}$ $<$ 700 K) Jupiter--mass planets, photochemical destruction of H$_{2}$S results in the production of $sim$1 ppmv of seight between 100 and 0.1 mbar, which, if cool enough, will condense to form a haze. Nominal haze masses are found to drastically alter a planets geometric albedo spectrum: whereas a clear atmosphere is dark at wavelengths between 0.5 and 1 $mu$m due to molecular absorption, the addition of a sulfur haze boosts the albedo there to $sim$0.7 due to scattering. Strong absorption by the haze shortward of 0.4 $mu$m results in albedos $<$0.1, in contrast to the high albedos produced by Rayleigh scattering in a clear atmosphere. As a result, the color of the planet shifts from blue to orange. The existence of a sulfur haze masks the molecular signatures of methane and water, thereby complicating the characterization of atmospheric composition. Detection of such a haze by WFIRST is possible, though discriminating between a sulfur haze and any other highly reflective, high altitude scatterer will require observations shortward of 0.4 $mu$m, which is currently beyond WFIRSTs design.
