New detectors of the Experimental complex NEVOD for multicomponent EAS detection

Abstract in English

Experimental complex (EC) NEVOD includes a number of unique experimental facilities for studies of main components of cosmic rays on the Earths surface. The complex is used for the basic research of CR flux characteristics and their interactions in the energy range 10^15 - 10^19 eV, and for applied investigations directed to the development of methods of the muon diagnostics of the atmosphere and the Earths magnetosphere and near-terrestrial space. To extend the experimental capabilities and raising the status of the installation to the Mega Science level, nowadays new large-scale detectors: array for the EAS registration - NEVOD-EAS, detector of atmospheric neutrons - URAN, and large-area coordinate-tracking detector - TREK, are being deployed around EC NEVOD. The description of new detectors and a common trigger system to ensure the joint operation together with other detectors of EC NEVOD are presented.
