Current-nonlinear Hall effect and spin-orbit torque magnetization switching in a magnetic topological insulator

Abstract in English

Precise estimation of spin Hall angle as well as successful maximization of spin-orbit torque (SOT) form a basis of electronic control of magnetic properties with spintronic functionality. Until now, current-nonlinear Hall effect, or second harmonic Hall voltage has been utilized as one of the methods for estimating spin Hall angle, which is attributed to the magnetization oscillation by SOT. Here, we argue the second harmonic Hall voltage in magnetic/nonmagnetic topological insulator (TI) heterostructures, Cr$_x$(Bi$_{1-y}$Sb$_y$)$_{2-x}$Te$_3$/(Bi$_{1-y}$Sb$_y$)$_2$Te$_3$. From the angular, temperature and magnetic field dependence, it is unambiguously shown that the large second harmonic Hall voltage in TI heterostructures is governed not by SOT but mainly by asymmetric magnon scattering mechanism without magnetization oscillation. Thus, this method does not allow an accurate estimation of spin Hall angle when magnons largely contribute to electron scattering. Instead, the SOT contribution in a TI heterostructure is exemplified by current pulse induced non-volatile magnetization switching, which is realized with a current density of $sim 2.5 times 10^{10} mathrm{A/m}^2$, showing its potential as spintronic materials.
