Counting curves, and the stable length of currents

Abstract in English

Let $gamma_0$ be a curve on a surface $Sigma$ of genus $g$ and with $r$ boundary components and let $pi_1(Sigma)curvearrowright X$ be a discrete and cocompact action on some metric space. We study the asymptotic behavior of the number of curves $gamma$ of type $gamma_0$ with translation length at most $L$ on $X$. For example, as an application, we derive that for any finite generating set $S$ of $pi_1(Sigma)$ the limit $$lim_{Ltoinfty}frac 1{L^{6g-6+2r}}{gammatext{ of type }gamma_0text{ with }Stext{-translation length}le L}$$ exists and is positive. The main new technical tool is that the function which associates to each curve its stable length with respect to the action on $X$ extends to a (unique) continuous and homogenous function on the space of currents. We prove that this is indeed the case for any action of a torsion free hyperbolic group.
