Creation of Elko particles in asymptotically expanding universe

Abstract in English

In the present article we study the process of particle creation for Elko spinor fields as a consequence of expansion of the universe. We study the effect driven by a expanding background that is asymptotically minkowskian in the past and future. The differential equation that governs the time mode function is obtained for the conformal coupling case and, although its solution is non-analytic, within an approximation that preserves the characteristics of the terms that break the analyticity, analytic solutions are obtained. Thus, by means of the Bogolyubov transformations technique, the number density of particles created is obtained, which can be compared to exact solutions already present in literature for scalar and Dirac particles. The spectrum of created particles is obtained and it was found that it is a generalization of the scalar field case, which converges to the scalar field one when the specific terms concerning the Elko field are dropped out. We also found that lighter Elko particles are created in larger quantities than Dirac fermionic particles. By considering the Elko particles as candidate to dark matter in the universe, such result shows that there are more light dark matter (Elko) particles created by gravitational effects in the universe than baryonic (fermionic) matter, in agreement to standard model.
