${mathbf{{CFT}_6}}$ Bulk/Boundary ${mathbf{{AdS}^Q_5}}$ Correspondence and Emergent Gravity

Abstract in English

We revisit a non-perturbation theory of quantum gravity in $1.5$ order underlying an emergent gravitational pair of $(4{bar 4})$-brane with a renewed interest. In particular the formulation is governed by a geometric torsion ${cal H}_3$ in second order with an on-shell NS form in first order. Interestingly the gravitational pair is sourced by a Kalb-Ramond two form CFT on a $D_5$-brane in $d$$=$$10$ type IIB superstring theory. We show that a generic form theory containing a CFT sector in $d=6$ bulk may be described by a boundary ${rm AdS}_5$ with a quintessence Q. Analysis reveals that the bulk/boundary duality in emergent gravity can be a potential tool to explore the quintessential cosmology.
