Characterizing the properties of cluster precursors in the MALT90 survey

Abstract in English

In the Milky Way there are thousands of stellar clusters each harboring from a hundred to a million stars. Although clusters are common, the initial conditions of cluster formation are still not well understood. To determine the processes involved in the formation and evolution of clusters it is key to determine the global properties of cluster-forming clumps in their earliest stages of evolution. Here, we present the physical properties of 1,244 clumps identified from the MALT90 survey. Using the dust temperature of the clumps as a proxy for evolution we determined how the clump properties change at different evolutionary stages. We find that less-evolved clumps exhibiting dust temperatures lower than 20 K have higher densities and are more gravitationally bound than more-evolved clumps with higher dust temperatures. We also identified a sample of clumps in a very early stage of evolution, thus potential candidates for high-mass star-forming clumps. Only one clump in our sample has physical properties consistent with a young massive cluster progenitor, reinforcing the fact that massive proto-clusters are very rare in the Galaxy.
