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Coherent functional expansions in quantum field theory

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 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A new formalism is introduced to treat problems in quantum field theory, using coherent functional expansions rather than path integrals. The basic results and identities of this approach are developed. In the case of a Bose gas with point-contact interactions, this leads to a soluble functional equation in the weak interaction limit, where the perturbing term is part of the kinetic energy. This approach has the potential to prevent the Dyson problem of divergence in perturbation theory.

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We consider the problem of quantum-classical correspondence in integrable field theories. We propose a method to construct a field theoretical coherent state, in which the expectation value of the quantum field operator exactly coincides with the classical soliton. We also discuss the time evolution of this quantum state and the instability due to the nonlinearity.
265 - Nima Moshayedi 2019
These notes were inspired by the course Quantum Field Theory from a Functional Integral Point of View given at the University of Zurich in Spring 2017 by Santosh Kandel. We describe Feynmans path integral approach to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory from a functional integral point of view, where the main focus lies in Euclidean field theory. The notion of Gaussian measure and the construction of the Wiener measure are covered. Moreover, we recall the notion of classical mechanics and the Schrodinger picture of quantum mechanics, where it shows the equivalence to the path integral formalism, by deriving the quantum mechanical propagator out of it. Additionally, we give an introduction to elements of constructive quantum field theory.
140 - Frank Gaitan , Franco Nori 2009
This paper establishes the applicability of density functional theory methods to quantum computing systems. We show that ground-state and time-dependent density functional theory can be applied to quantum computing systems by proving the Hohenberg-Kohn and Runge-Gross theorems for a fermionic representation of an N qubit system. As a first demonstration of this approach, time-dependent density functional theory is used to determine the minimum energy gap Delta(N) arising when the quantum adiabatic evolution algorithm is used to solve instances of the NP-Complete problem MAXCUT. It is known that the computational efficiency of this algorithm is largely determined by the large-N scaling behavior of Delta(N), and so determining this behavior is of fundamental significance. As density functional theory has been used to study quantum systems with N ~ 1000 interacting degrees of freedom, the approach introduced in this paper raises the realistic prospect of evaluating the gap Delta(N) for systems with N ~ 1000 qubits. Although the calculation of Delta(N) serves to illustrate how density functional theory methods can be applied to problems in quantum computing, the approach has a much broader range and shows promise as a means for determining the properties of very large quantum computing systems.
Via the proper-time eigenstates (event states) instead of the proper-mass eigenstates (particle states), free-motion time-of-arrival theory for massive spin-1/2 particles is developed at the level of quantum field theory. The approach is based on a position-momentum dual formalism. Within the framework of field quantization, the total time-of-arrival is the sum of the single event-of-arrival contributions, and contains zero-point quantum fluctuations because the clocks under consideration follow the laws of quantum mechanics.
We derive new all-purpose methods that involve the Dirac Delta distribution. Some of the new methods use derivatives in the argument of the Dirac Delta. We highlight potential avenues for applications to quantum field theory and we also exhibit a connection to the problem of blurring/deblurring in signal processing. We find that blurring, which can be thought of as a result of multi-path evolution, is, in Euclidean quantum field theory without spontaneous symmetry breaking, the strong coupling dual of the usual small coupling expansion in terms of the sum over Feynman graphs.
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