Influence of twist boundary on deformation behaviour of <100> BCC Fe nanowires

Abstract in English

Molecular dynamics simulations revealed significant difference in deformation behaviour of $<$100$>$ BCC Fe nanowires with and without twist boundary. The plastic deformation in perfect $<$100$>$ BCC Fe nanowire was dominated by twinning and reorientation to $<$110$>$ followed by further deformation by slip mode. On the contrary, $<$100$>$ BCC Fe nanowire with a twist boundary deformed by slip at low plastic strains followed by twinning at high strains and absence of full reorientation. The results suggest that the deformation in $<$100$>$ BCC Fe nanowire by dislocation slip is preferred over twinning in the presence of initial dislocations or dislocation networks. The results also explain the absence of extensive twinning in bulk materials, which inherently contains large number of dislocations.
