Charm Physics with Domain Wall Fermions and Physical Pion Masses

Abstract in English

We present RBC/UKQCDs charm project using $N_f=2+1$ flavour ensembles with inverse lattice spacings in the range $1.73-2.77,mathrm{GeV}$ and two physical pion mass ensembles. Domain wall fermions are used for the light as well as the charm quarks. We discuss our strategy for the extraction of the decay constants $f_D$ and $f_{D_s}$ and their extrapolation to the continuum limit, physical pion masses and the physical heavy quark mass. Our preliminary results are $f_D=208.7(2.8),mathrm{MeV}$ and $f_{D_s}=246.4(1.9),mathrm{MeV}$ where the quoted error is statistical only. We outline our current approach to extend the reach in the heavy quark mass and present preliminary results.
