Full Bell locality of a noisy state for $Ngeq 3$ nonlocally entangled qudits

Abstract in English

Bounds, expressed in terms of d and N, on full Bell locality of a quantum state for $Ngeq 3$ nonlocally entangled qudits (of a dimension $dgeq 2$) mixed with white noise are known, to our knowledge, only within full separability of this noisy N-qudit state. For the maximal violation of general Bell inequalities by an N-partite quantum state, we specify the analytical upper bound expressed in terms of dilation characteristics of this state, and this allows us to find new general bounds in $d, N$, valid for all $dgeq 2$ and all $Ngeq 3$, on full Bell locality under generalized quantum measurements of (i) the N-qudit GHZ state mixed with white noise and (ii) an arbitrary N-qudit state mixed with white noise. The new full Bell locality bounds are beyond the known ranges for full separability of these noisy N-qudit states.
