Path integrals for awkward actions

Abstract in English

Time derivatives of scalar fields occur quadratically in textbook actions. A simple Legendre transformation turns the lagrangian into a hamiltonian that is quadratic in the momenta. The path integral over the momenta is gaussian. Mean values of operators are euclidian path integrals of their classical counterparts with positive weight functions. Monte Carlo simulations can estimate such mean values. This familiar framework falls apart when the time derivatives do not occur quadratically. The Legendre transformation becomes difficult or so intractable that one cant find the hamiltonian. Even if one finds the hamiltonian, it usually is so complicated that one cant path-integrate over the momenta and get a euclidian path integral with a positive weight function. Monte Carlo simulations dont work when the weight function assumes negative or complex values. This paper solves both problems. It shows how to make path integrals without knowing the hamiltonian. It also shows how to estimate complex path integrals by combining the Monte Carlo method with parallel numerical integration and a look-up table. This Atlantic City method lets one estimate the energy densities of theories that, unlike those with quadratic time derivatives, may have finite energy densities. It may lead to a theory of dark energy. The approximation of multiple integrals over weight functions that assume negative or complex values is the long-standing sign problem. The Atlantic City method solves it for problems in which numerical integration leads to a positive weight function.
