Reemergeing electronic nematicity in heavily hole-doped Fe-based superconductors

Abstract in English

In correlated electrons system, quantum melting of electronic crystalline phase often gives rise to many novel electronic phases. In cuprates superconductors, melting the Mott insulating phase with carrier doping leads to a quantum version of liquid crystal phase, the electronic nematicity, which breaks the rotational symmetry and exhibits a tight twist with high-temperature superconductivity. Recently, the electronic nematicity has also been observed in Fe-based superconductors. However, whether it shares a similar scenario with its cuprates counterpart is still elusive. Here, by measuring nuclear magnetic resonance in CsFe2As2, a prototypical Fe-based superconductor perceived to have evolved from a Mott insulating phase at 3d5 configuration, we report anisotropic quadruple broadening effect as a direct result of local rotational symmetry breaking. For the first time, clear connection between the Mott insulating phase and the electronic nematicity can be established and generalized to the Fe-based superconductors. This finding would promote a universal understanding on electronic nematicity and its relation with high-temperature superconductivity.
