Valence fuctuation and magnetic ordering in EuNi2(P1-xGex)2 single crystals

Abstract in English

Unusual phases and phase transitions are seen at the magnetic-nonmagnetic boundary in Ce, Eu and Yb-based compounds. EuNi$_2$P$_{2}$ is a very unusual valence fluctuating Eu system, because at low temperatures the Eu valence stays close to 2.5 instead of approaching an integer value. Eu valence and thus the magnetic property in this system can be tuned by Ge substitution in P site as EuNi$_2$Ge$_{2}$ is known to exhibit antiferromagnetc (AFM) ordering of divalent Eu moments with $T_N$ = 30 K. We have grown EuNi$_2$(P$_{1-x}$Ge$_x$)$_2$ (0.0 $leq$ $x$ $leq$ 0.5) single crystals and studied their magnetic, thermodynamic and transport properties. Increasing Ge doping to $x >$ 0.4 results in a well-defined AFM ordered state with $T_N$ = 12 K for $x$ = 0.5. Moreover, the reduced value of magnetic entropy for $x$ = 0.5 at $T_N$ suggests the presence of valance fluctuation/ Kondo effect in this compound. Interestingly, the specific heat exhibits an enhanced Sommerfeld coefficient upon Ge doping. Subsequently, electronic structure calculations lead to a non-integral valence in EuNi$_2$P$_{2}$ but a stable divalent Eu state in EuNi$_2$Ge$_{2}$ which is in good agreement with experimental results.
