Context-aware System Service Call-oriented Symbolic Execution of Android Framework with Application to Exploit Generation

Abstract in English

Android Framework is a layer of software that exists in every Android system managing resources of all Android apps. A vulnerability in Android Framework can lead to severe hacks, such as destroying user data and leaking private information. With tens of millions of Android devices unpatched due to Android fragmentation, vulnerabilities in Android Framework certainly attract attackers to exploit them. So far, enormous manual effort is needed to craft such exploits. To our knowledge, no research has been done on automatic generation of exploits that take advantage of Android Framework vulnerabilities. We make a first step towards this goal by applying symbolic execution of Android Framework to finding bugs and generating exploits. Several challenges have been raised by the task. (1) The information of an app flows to Android Framework in multiple intricate steps, making it difficult to identify symbolic inputs. (2) Android Framework has a complex initialization phase, which exacerbates the state space explosion problem. (3) A straightforward design that builds the symbolic executor as a layer inside the Android system will not work well: not only does the implementation have to ensure the compatibility with the Android system, but it needs to be maintained whenever Android gets updated. We present novel ideas and techniques to resolve the challenges, and have built the first system for symbolic execution of Android Framework. It fundamentally changes the state of the art in exploit generation on the Android system, and has been applied to constructing new techniques for finding vulnerabilities.
