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An Experimental Investigation of Hyperbolic Routing with a Smart Forwarding Plane in NDN

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 Added by Dmitri Krioukov
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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Routing in NDN networks must scale in terms of forwarding table size and routing protocol overhead. Hyperbolic routing (HR) presents a potential solution to address the routing scalability problem, because it does not use traditional forwarding tables or exchange routing updates upon changes in network topologies. Although HR has the drawbacks of producing sub-optimal routes or local minima for some destinations, these issues can be mitigated by NDNs intelligent data forwarding plane. However, HRs viability still depends on both the quality of the routes HR provides and the overhead incurred at the forwarding plane due to HRs sub-optimal behavior. We designed a new forwarding strategy called Adaptive Smoothed RTT-based Forwarding (ASF) to mitigate HRs sub-optimal path selection. This paper describes our experimental investigation into the packet delivery delay and overhead under HR as compared with Named-Data Link State Routing (NLSR), which calculates shortest paths. We run emulation experiments using various topologies with different failure scenarios, probing intervals, and maximum number of next hops for a name prefix. Our results show that HRs delay stretch has a median close to 1 and a 95th-percentile around or below 2, which does not grow with the network size. HRs message overhead in dynamic topologies is nearly independent of the network size, while NLSRs overhead grows polynomially at least. These results suggest that HR offers a more scalable routing solution with little impact on the optimality of routing paths.

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The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) challenges the end-to-end transport of the Internet by low power lossy links and gateways that perform protocol translations. Protocols such as CoAP or MQTT-SN are degraded by the overhead of DTLS sessions, which in common deployment protect content transfer only up to the gateway. To preserve content security end-to-end via gateways and proxies, the IETF recently developed Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (OSCORE), which extends CoAP with content object security features commonly known from Information Centric Networks (ICN). This paper presents a comparative analysis of protocol stacks that protect request-response transactions. We measure protocol performances of CoAP over DTLS, OSCORE, and the information-centric Named Data Networking (NDN) protocol on a large-scale IoT testbed in single- and multi-hop scenarios. Our findings indicate that (a) OSCORE improves on CoAP over DTLS in error-prone wireless regimes due to omitting the overhead of maintaining security sessions at endpoints, and (b) NDN attains superior robustness and reliability due to its intrinsic network caches and hop-wise retransmissions.
To achieve end-to-end delivery in intermittently connected networks, epidemic routing is proposed for data delivery at the price of excessive buffer occupancy due to its store-and-forward nature. The ultimate goal of epidemic routing protocol design is to reduce system resource usage (e.g., buffer occupancy) while simultaneously providing data delivery with statistical guarantee. Therefore the tradeoffs between buffer occupancy and data delivery reliability are of utmost importance. In this paper we investigate the tradeoffs for two representative schemes: the global timeout scheme and the antipacket dissemination scheme that are proposed for lossy and lossless data delivery, respectively. For lossy data delivery, we show that with the suggested global timeout value, the per-node buffer occupancy only depends on the maximum tolerable packet loss rate and pairwise meeting rate. For lossless data delivery, we show that the buffer occupancy can be significantly reduced via fully antipacket dissemination. The developed tools therefore offer new insights for epidemic routing protocol designs and performance evaluations.
This paper takes a comprehensive view on the protocol stacks that are under debate for a future Internet of Things (IoT). It addresses the holistic question of which solution is beneficial for common IoT use cases. We deploy NDN and the two popular IP-based application protocols, CoAP and MQTT, in its different variants on a large-scale IoT testbed in single- and multi-hop scenarios. We analyze the use cases of scheduled periodic and unscheduled traffic under varying loads. Our findings indicate that (a) NDN admits the most resource-friendly deployment on nodes, and (b) shows superior robustness and resilience in multi-hop scenarios, while (c) the IP protocols operate at less overhead and higher speed in single-hop deployments. Most strikingly we find that NDN-based protocols are in significantly better flow balance than the UDP-based IP protocols and require less corrective actions.
This paper evaluates two forwarding strategies for fragmented datagrams in the IoT: hop-wise reassembly and a minimal approach to directly forward fragments. Minimal fragment forwarding is challenged by the lack of forwarding information at subsequent fragments in 6LoWPAN and thus requires additional data at nodes. We compared the two approaches in extensive experiments evaluating reliability, end-to-end latency, and memory consumption. In contrast to previous work and due to our alternate setup, we obtained different results and conclusions. Our findings indicate that direct fragment forwarding should be deployed only with care, since higher packet transmission rates on the link-layer can significantly reduce its reliability, which in turn can even further reduce end-to-end latency because of highly increased link-layer retransmissions.
96 - Florian Huc , Aubin Jarry 2009
In order to make full use of geographic routing techniques developed for large scale networks, nodes must be localized. However, localization and virtual localization techniques in sensor networks are dependent either on expensive and sometimes unavailable hardware (e.g. GPS) or on sophisticated localization calculus (e.g. triangulation) which are both error-prone and with a costly overhead. Instead of localizing nodes in a traditional 2-dimensional space, we intend to use directly the raw distance to a set of anchors to route messages in the multi-dimensional space. This should enable us to use any geographic routing protocol in a robust and efficient manner in a very large range of scenarios.
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