Investigation of 11B+197Au Reaction at Intermediate Energies

Abstract in English

Mechanism of nuclear reactions on 197Au induced by 11B ions at energies above Coulomb barrier was studied by induced-activity method and gamma-spectroscopy. The cross sections of the reaction fragments from 197Au induced by 11B ions were measured at bombarding energies 137.5 and 255.5 MeV. The fission process was investigated by using multimodal fission approach at the energy 137.5 MeV, and pure symmetric distribution at 255.5 MeV. It was observed that the transferred linear momentum provides the information on the initial projectile-target information. The fissility for both fission reactions under study was deduced from measured fission cross section using the total inelastic cross section. Comparison with proton-induced fission shown, that the linear momentum transferred to the fissile system depends on the probe.
