$U(1)$ Fermi liquid theory - A Fermi liquid state that supports exclusion statistics

Abstract in English

We propose in this paper an effective low-energy theory for interacting fermion systems which supports exclusion statistics. The theory can be viewed as an extension of Landau Fermi liquid theory where besides quasi-particle energy $xi_{mathbf{k}}$, the kinetic momentum $mathbf{k}$ of quasi-particles depends also on quasi-particle occupation numbers as a result of momentum ($k$)-dependent current-current interaction. The dependence of kinetic momentum on quasi-particles excitations leads to change in density of states and exclusion statistics. The properties of this new Fermi liquid state is studied where we show that the state (which we call $U(1)$-Fermi liquid state) has Fermi-liquid like properties except that the quasi-particles are {em not} adiabatically connected to bare fermions in the system and the state may not satisfy Luttinger theorem.
