Phase-Retrieved Tomography enables imaging of a Tumor Spheroid in Mesoscopy Regime

Abstract in English

Optical tomographic imaging of biological specimen bases its reliability on the combination of both accurate experimental measures and advanced computational techniques. In general, due to high scattering and absorption in most of the tissues, multi view geometries are required to reduce diffuse halo and blurring in the reconstructions. Scanning processes are used to acquire the data but they inevitably introduces perturbation, negating the assumption of aligned measures. Here we propose an innovative, registration free, imaging protocol implemented to image a human tumor spheroid at mesoscopic regime. The technique relies on the calculation of autocorrelation sinogram and object autocorrelation, finalizing the tomographic reconstruction via a three dimensional Gerchberg Saxton algorithm that retrieves the missing phase information. Our method is conceptually simple and focuses on single image acquisition, regardless of the specimen position in the camera plane. We demonstrate increased deep resolution abilities, not achievable with the current approaches, rendering the data alignment process obsolete.
