Algebraic methods in approximation theory

Abstract in English

This survey gives an overview of several fundamental algebraic constructions which arise in the study of splines. Splines play a key role in approximation theory, geometric modeling, and numerical analysis, their properties depend on combinatorics, topology, and geometry of a simplicial or polyhedral subdivision of a region in R^k, and are often quite subtle. We describe four algebraic techniques which are useful in the study of splines: homology, graded algebra, localization, and inverse systems. Our goal is to give a hands-on introduction to the methods, and illustrate them with concrete examples in the context of splines. We highlight progress made with these methods, such as a formula for the third coefficient of the polynomial giving the dimension of the spline space in high degree, much of which builds on pioneering work of Schumaker, Alfeld-Schumaker, and Billera. The objects appearing here may be computed using the Macaulay2 software system.
