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On conservative sequences and their application to ergodic multiplier problems

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 Added by Alexander Kastner
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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The conservative sequence of a set $A$ under a transformation $T$ is the set of all $n in mathbb{Z}$ such that $T^n A cap A ot = varnothing$. By studying these sequences, we prove that given any countable collection of nonsingular transformations with no finite invariant measure ${T_i}$, there exists a rank-one transformation $S$ such that $T_i times S$ is not ergodic for all $i$. Moreover, $S$ can be chosen to be rigid or have infinite ergodic index. We establish similar results for $mathbb{Z}^d$ actions and flows. Then, we find sufficient conditions on rank-one transformations $T$ that guarantee the existence of a rank-one transformation $S$ such that $T times S$ is ergodic, or, alternatively, conditions that guarantee that $T times S$ is conservative but not ergodic. In particular, the infinite Chacon transformation satisfies both conditions. Finally, for a given ergodic transformation $T$, we study the Baire categories of the sets $E(T)$, $bar{E}C(T)$ and $bar{C}(T)$ of transformations $S$ such that $T times S$ is ergodic, ergodic but not conservative, and conservative, respectively.

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82 - R. Shvydkoy 2007
Exponential dichotomy of a strongly continuous cocycle $bFi$ is proved to be equivalent to existence of a Ma~{n}e sequence either for $bFi$ or for its adjoint. As a consequence we extend some of the classical results to general Banach bundles. The dynamical spectrum of a product of two cocycles, one of which is scalar, is investigated and applied to describe the essential spectrum of the Euler equation in an arbitrary spacial dimension.
Iterated Function Systems (IFSs) have been at the heart of fractal geometry almost from its origin, and several generalizations for the notion of IFS have been suggested. Subdivision schemes are widely used in computer graphics and attempts have been made to link fractals generated by IFSs to limits generated by subdivision schemes. With an eye towards establishing connection between non-stationary subdivision schemes and fractals, this paper introduces the notion of trajectories of maps defined by function systems which may be considered as a new generalization of the traditional IFS. The significance and the convergence properties of forward and backward trajectories are studied. In contrast to the ordinary fractals which are self-similar at different scales, the attractors of these trajectories may have different structures at different scales.
For $n$ and $k$ integers we introduce the notion of some partition of $n$ being able to generate another partition of $n$. We solve the problem of finding the minimum size partition for which the set of partitions this partition can generate contains all size-$k$ partitions of $n$. We describe how this result can be applied to solving a class of combinatorial optimization problems.
Monomial mappings, $xmapsto x^n$, are topologically transitive and ergodic with respect to Haar measure on the unit circle in the complex plane. In this paper we obtain an anologous result for monomial dynamical systems over $p-$adic numbers. The process is, however, not straightforward. The result will depend on the natural number $n$. Moreover, in the $p-$adic case we never have ergodicity on the unit circle, but on the circles around the point 1.
We study aperiodic balanced sequences over finite alphabets. A sequence v of this type is fully characterised by a Sturmian sequence u and two constant gap sequences y and y. We show that the language of v is eventually dendric and we focus on return words to its factors. We deduce a method computing critical exponent and asymptotic critical exponent of balanced sequences provided the associated Sturmian sequence u has a quadratic slope. The method is based on looking for the shortest return words to bispecial factors in v. We illustrate our method on several examples, in particular we confirm a conjecture of Rampersad, Shallit and Vandomme that two specific sequences have the least critical exponent among all balanced sequences over 9- resp. 10-letter alphabets.
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