Supersymmetric field theories and the elliptic index theorem with complex coefficients

Abstract in English

We present a cocycle model for elliptic cohomology with complex coefficients in which methods from 2-dimensional quantum field theory can be used to rigorously construct cocycles. For example, quantizing a theory of vector bundle-valued fermions yields a cocycle representative of the elliptic Thom class. This constructs the complexified string orientation of elliptic cohomology, which determines a pushfoward for families of rational string manifolds. A second pushforward is constructed from quantizing a supersymmetric $sigma$-model. These two pushforwards agree, giving a precise physical interpretation for the elliptic index theorem with complex coefficients. This both refines and supplies further evidence for the long-conjectured relationship between elliptic cohomology and 2-dimensional quantum field theory. Analogous methods in supersymmetric mechanics recover path integral constructions of the Mathai--Quillen Thom form in complexified ${rm KO}$-theory and a cocycle representative of the $hat{A}$-class for a family of oriented manifolds.
