Control Synthesis for Nonlinear Optimal Control via Convex Relaxations

Abstract in English

This paper addresses the problem of control synthesis for nonlinear optimal control problems in the presence of state and input constraints. The presented approach relies upon transforming the given problem into an infinite-dimensional linear program over the space of measures. To generate approximations to this infinite-dimensional program, a sequence of Semi-Definite Programs (SDP)s is formulated in the instance of polynomial cost and dynamics with semi-algebraic state and bounded input constraints. A method to extract a polynomial control function from each SDP is also given. This paper proves that the controller synthesized from each of these SDPs generates a sequence of values that converge from below to the value of the optimal control of the original optimal control problem. In contrast to existing approaches, the presented method does not assume that the optimal control is continuous while still proving that the sequence of approximations is optimal. Moreover, the sequence of controllers that are synthesized using the presented approach are proven to converge to the true optimal control. The performance of the presented method is demonstrated on three examples.
