AlN-buffered superconducting NbN nanowire single-photon detector on GaAs

Abstract in English

We investigated the suitability of AlN as a buffer layer for NbN superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) on GaAs. The NbN films with a thickness of 3.3 nm to 20 nm deposited onto GaAs substrates with AlN buffer layer, demonstrate a higher critical temperature, critical current density and lower residual resistivity in comparison to films deposited onto bare substrates. Unfortunately, the thermal coupling of the NbN film to the substrate weakens. SNSPDs made of 4.9 nm thick NbN films on buffered substrates (in comparison to detectors made from NbN films on bare GaAs) demonstrate three orders of magnitude lower dark count rates and about ten times higher detection efficiency at 900 nm being measured at 90% of the critical current. The system timing jitter of SNSPDs on buffered substrates is 72 ps which is 36 ps lower than those on bare substrate. However, a weaker thermal coupling of NbN nanowire to the buffered substrate leads to a latching effect at bias currents > 0.97 IC.
