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Tunnelling phenomenon near an apparent horizon in two-dimensional dilaton gravity

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 Added by Jiang Xiao-Zhu
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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Based on the definition of the apparent horizon in a general two-dimensional dilaton gravity theory, we analyze the tunnelling phenomenon of the apparent horizon by using Hamilton-Jacobi method. In this theory the definition of the horizon is very different from those in higher-dimensional gravity theories. The spectrum of the radiation is obtained and the temperature of the radiation is read out from this spectrum and it satisfies the usual relationship with the surface gravity. Besides, the calculation with Parikhs null geodesic method for a simple example conforms to our result in general stationary cases.

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202 - Rong-Gen Cai , Li-Ming Cao 2016
In this article, we give a definition of apparent horizon in a two dimensional general dilaton gravity theory. With this definition, we construct the mechanics of the apparent horizon by introducing a quasi-local energy of the theory. Our discussion generalizes the apparent horizons mechanics in general spherically symmetric spactimes in four or higher dimensions to the two dimensional dilaton gravity case.
In this work, kinks with non-canonical kinetic energy terms are studied in a type of two-dimensional dilaton gravity model. The linear stability issue is generally discussed for arbitrary static solutions with the aid of supersymmetric quantum mechanics theory, and the stability criteria are obtained. As an explicit example, a model with cuscuton term is studied. After rewriting the equations of motion into simpler first-order formalism and choosing a polynomial superpotential, an exact self-gravitating kink solution is obtained. The impacts of the cuscuton term are discussed.
176 - Shao-Feng Wu , Bin Wang , 2008
We present a general procedure to construct the first law of thermodynamics on the apparent horizon and illustrate its validity by examining it in some extended gravity theories. Applying this procedure, we can describe the thermodynamics on the apparent horizon in Randall-Sundrum braneworld imbedded in a nontrivial bulk. We discuss the mass-like function which was used to link Friedmann equation to the first law of thermodynamics and obtain its special case which gives the generalized Misner-Sharp mass in Lovelock gravity.
182 - Alfaro 2008
General properties of a class of two-dimensional dilaton gravity (DG) theories with multi-exponential potentials are studied and a subclass of these theories, in which the equations of motion reduce to Toda and Liouville equations, is treated in detail. A combination of parameters of the equations should satisfy a certain constraint that is identified and solved for the general multi-exponential model. From the constraint it follows that in DG theories the integrable Toda equations, generally, cannot appear without accompanying Liouville equations. We also show how the wave-like solutions of the general Toda-Liouville systems can be simply derived. In the dilaton gravity theory, these solutions describe nonlinear waves coupled to gravity as well as static states and cosmologies. A special attention is paid to making the analytic structure of the solutions of the Toda equations as simple and transparent as possible, with the aim to gain a better understanding of realistic theories reduced to dimensions 1+1 and 1+0 or 0+1.
In the investigation and resolution of the cosmological constant problem the inclusion of the dynamics of quantum gravity can be a crucial step. In this work we suggest that the quantum constraints in a canonical theory of gravity can provide a way of addressing the issue: we consider the case of two-dimensional quantum dilaton gravity non-minimally coupled to a U(1) gauge field, in the presence of an arbitrary number of massless scalar matter fields, intended also as an effective description of highly symmetrical higher-dimensional models. We are able to quantize the system non-perturbatively and obtain an expression for the cosmological constant Lambda in terms of the quantum physical states, in a generalization of the usual QFT approach. We discuss the role of the classical and quantum gravitational contributions to Lambda and present a partial spectrum of values for it.
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