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Screening Rules for Convex Problems

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 Added by Martin Jaggi
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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We propose a new framework for deriving screening rules for convex optimization problems. Our approach covers a large class of constrained and penalized optimization formulations, and works in two steps. First, given any approximate point, the structure of the objective function and the duality gap is used to gather information on the optimal solution. In the second step, this information is used to produce screening rules, i.e. safely identifying unimportant weight variables of the optimal solution. Our general framework leads to a large variety of useful existing as well as new screening rules for many applications. For example, we provide new screening rules for general simplex and $L_1$-constrained problems, Elastic Net, squared-loss Support Vector Machines, minimum enclosing ball, as well as structured norm regularized problems, such as group lasso.

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171 - M. Journee , F. Bach , P.-A. Absil 2008
We propose an algorithm for solving nonlinear convex programs defined in terms of a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix variable $X$. This algorithm rests on the factorization $X=Y Y^T$, where the number of columns of Y fixes the rank of $X$. It is thus very effective for solving programs that have a low rank solution. The factorization $X=Y Y^T$ evokes a reformulation of the original problem as an optimization on a particular quotient manifold. The present paper discusses the geometry of that manifold and derives a second order optimization method. It furthermore provides some conditions on the rank of the factorization to ensure equivalence with the original problem. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is illustrated on two applications: the maximal cut of a graph and the sparse principal component analysis problem.
We describe a modular rewriting system for translating optimization problems written in a domain-specific language to forms compatible with low-level solver interfaces. Translation is facilitated by reductions, which accept a category of problems and transform instances of that category to equivalent instances of another category. Our system proceeds in two key phases: analysis, in which we attempt to find a suitable solver for a supplied problem, and canonicalization, in which we rewrite the problem in the selected solvers standard form. We implement the described system in version 1.0 of CVXPY, a domain-specific language for mathematical and especially convex optimization. By treating reductions as first-class objects, our method makes it easy to match problems to solvers well-suited for them and to support solvers with a wide variety of standard forms.
We present new results on optimization problems where the involved functions are evenly convex. By means of a generalized conjugation scheme and the perturbation theory introduced by Rockafellar, we propose an alternative dual problem for a general optimization one defined on a separated locally convex topological space. Sufficient conditions for converse and total duality involving the even convexity of the perturbation function and $c$-subdifferentials are given. Formulae for the $c$-subdifferential and biconjugate of the objective function of a general optimization problem are provided, too. We also characterize the total duality also by means of the saddle-point theory for a notion of Lagrangian adapted to the considered framework.
In this study, we present a general framework of outer approximation algorithms to solve convex vector optimization problems, in which the Pascoletti-Serafini (PS) scalarization is solved iteratively. This scalarization finds the minimum distance from a reference point, which is usually taken as a vertex of the current outer approximation, to the upper image through a given direction. We propose efficient methods to select the parameters (the reference point and direction vector) of the PS scalarization and analyze the effects of these on the overall performance of the algorithm. Different from the existing vertex selection rules from the literature, the proposed methods do not require solving additional single-objective optimization problems. Using some test problems, we conduct an extensive computational study where three different measures are set as the stopping criteria: the approximation error, the runtime, and the cardinality of solution set. We observe that the proposed variants have satisfactory results especially in terms of runtime compared to the existing variants from the literature.
The problem of finding near-stationary points in convex optimization has not been adequately studied yet, unlike other optimality measures such as minimizing function value. Even in the deterministic case, the optimal method (OGM-G, due to Kim and Fessler (2021)) has just been discovered recently. In this work, we conduct a systematic study of the algorithmic techniques in finding near-stationary points of convex finite-sums. Our main contributions are several algorithmic discoveries: (1) we discover a memory-saving variant of OGM-G based on the performance estimation problem approach (Drori and Teboulle, 2014); (2) we design a new accelerated SVRG variant that can simultaneously achieve fast rates for both minimizing gradient norm and function value; (3) we propose an adaptively regularized accelerated SVRG variant, which does not require the knowledge of some unknown initial constants and achieves near-optimal complexities. We put an emphasis on the simplicity and practicality of the new schemes, which could facilitate future developments.

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