A UV complete partially composite-pNGB Higgs

Abstract in English

We explore an electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) scenario based on the mixture of a fundamental Higgs doublet and an SU(4)/Sp(4) composite pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone doublet -- a particular manifestation of bosonic technicolor/induced EWSB. Taking the fundamental Higgs mass parameter to be positive, EWSB is triggered by the mixing of the doublets. This setup has several attractive features and phenomenological consequences, which we highlight: i) Unlike traditional bosonic technicolor models, the hierarchy between $Lambda_{rm TC}$ and the electroweak scale depends on vacuum (mis)alignment and can be sizable, yielding an attractive framework for natural EWSB; ii) As the strong sector is based on SU(4)/Sp(4), a fundamental (UV-complete) description of the strong sector is possible, that is informed by the lattice; iii) The lightest vector resonances occur in the 10-plet, 5-plet and singlet of Sp(4). Misalignment leads to a 10-plet parity-doubling cancelation in the $S$ parameter, and a suppressed 5-plet contribution; iv) Higgs coupling deviations are typically of $mathcal O(1%)$; v) The 10-plet isotriplet resonances decay dominantly to a massive technipion and a gauge boson, or to technipion pairs, rather than to gauge boson or fermion pairs; moreover, their couplings to fermions are small. Thus, the bounds on this setup from conventional heavy-vector-triplet searches are weak. A supersymmetric $U(1)_R$ symmetric realization is briefly described.
