Optical and Ultraviolet Observations of the Very Young Type IIP SN 2014cx in NGC 337

Abstract in English

Extensive photometric and spectroscopic observations are presented for SN 2014cx, a type IIP supernova (SN) exploding in the nearby galaxy NGC 337. The observations are performed in optical and ultraviolet bands, covering from -20 to +400 days from the peak light. The stringent detection limit from prediscovery images suggests that this supernova was actually detected within about 1 day after explosion. Evolution of the very early-time light curve of SN 2014cx is similar to that predicted from a shock breakout and post-shock cooling decline before reaching the optical peak. Our photometric observations show that SN 2014cx has a plateau duration of ~ 100 days, an absolute V-band magnitude of ~ -16.5 mag at t~50 days, and a nickel mass of 0.056+-0.008 Msun. The spectral evolution of SN 2014cx resembles that of normal SNe IIP like SN 1999em and SN 2004et, except that it has a slightly higher expansion velocity (~ 4200 km/s at 50 days). From the cooling curve of photospheric temperature, we derive that the progenitor has a pre-explosion radius of ~ 640 Rsun, consistent with those obtained from SNEC modeling (~ 620 Rsun) and hydrodynamical modeling of the observables (~ 570 Rsun). Moreover, the hydrodynamical simulations yield a total explosion energy of ~ 0.4*10e51 erg, and an ejected mass of ~ 8 Msun. These results indicate that the immediate progenitor of SN 2014cx is likely a red supergiant star with a mass of ~ 10 Msun.
