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Spin Ice Thin Film: Surface Ordering, Partial Magnetic Wetting and Emergent Square Ice

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 Added by Michel Gingras
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Motivated by recent realizations of Dy$_{2}$Ti$_{2}$O$_{7}$ and Ho$_{2}$Ti$_{2}$O$_{7}$ spin ice thin films, and more generally by the physics of confined gauge fields, we study a model of spin ice thin film with surfaces perpendicular to the $[001]$ cubic axis. The resulting open boundaries make half of the bonds on the interfaces inequivalent. By tuning the strength of these inequivalent orphan bonds, dipolar interactions induce a surface ordering equivalent to a two-dimensional crystallization of magnetic surface charges. This surface ordering can also be expected on the surfaces of bulk crystals. In analogy with partial wetting in soft matter, spins just below the surface are more correlated than in the bulk, but emph{not} ordered. For ultrathin films made of one cubic unit cell, once the surfaces are ordered, a square ice phase is stabilized over a finite temperature window, as confirmed by its entropy and the presence of pinch points in the structure factor. Ultimately, the square ice degeneracy is lifted at lower temperature and the system orders in analogy with the well-known $F$-transition of the $6$-vertex model.

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58 - Wen-Han Kao , Gia-Wei Chern , 2019
We study the two-dimensional kagome-ice model derived from a pyrochlore lattice with second- and third-neighbor interactions. The canted moments align along the local $langle 111 rangle$ axes of the pyrochlore and respond to both in-plane and out-of-plane external fields. We find that the combination of further-neighbor interactions together with the external fields introduces a rich phase diagram with different spin textures. Close to the phase boundaries, metastable $textit{snake}$ domains emerge with extremely long relaxation time. Our kinetic Monte Carlo analysis of the magnetic-field quench process from saturated state shows unusually slow dynamics. Despite that the interior spins are almost frozen in snake domains, the spins on the edge are free to fluctuate locally, leading to frequent creation and annihilation of monopole-anti-monopole bound states. Once the domains are formed, these excitations are localized and can hardly propagate due to the energy barrier of snakes. The emergence of such snake domains may shed light on the experimental observation of dipolar spin ice under tilted fields, and provide a new strategy to manipulate both spin and charge textures in artificial spin ice.
Designing and constructing model systems that embody the statistical mechanics of frustration is now possible using nanotechnology. We have arranged nanomagnets on a two-dimensional square lattice to form an artificial spin ice, and studied its fractional excitations, emergent magnetic monopoles, and how they respond to a driving field using X-ray magnetic microscopy. We observe a regime in which the monopole drift velocity is linear in field above a critical field for the onset of motion. The temperature dependence of the critical field can be described by introducing an interaction term into the Bean-Livingston model of field-assisted barrier hopping. By analogy with electrical charge drift motion, we define and measure a monopole mobility that is larger both for higher temperatures and stronger interactions between nanomagnets. The mobility in this linear regime is described by a creep model of zero-dimensional charges moving within a network of quasi-one-dimensional objects.
Neutron scattering measurements on the spin-ice candidate material Ho$_2$Ru$_2$O$_7$ have revealed two magnetic transitions at T $sim$ 95 K and T $sim$ 1.4 K to long-range ordered states involving the Ru and Ho sublattices, respectively. Between these transitions, the Ho$^{3+}$ moments form short-ranged ordered spin clusters. The internal field provided by the ordered S=1 Ru$^{4+}$ moments disrupts the fragile spin-ice state and drives the Ho$^{3+}$ moments to order. We have directly measured a slight shift in the Ho$^{3+}$ crystal field levels at 95 K from the Ru ordering.
In the context of friction we use atomistic molecular-dynamics simulations to investigate water confined between graphene sheets over a wide range of pressures. We find that thermal equilibration of the confined water is hindered at high pressures. We demonstrate that, under the right conditions, square ice can form in an asperity, and that it is similar to cubic ice VII and ice X. We simulate sliding of atomically flat graphite on the square ice and find extremely low friction due to structural superlubricity. The conditions needed for square ice to form correspond to low sliding speeds, and we suggest that the ice observed in experiments of friction on wet graphite is of this type.
In this letter, we have constructed and experimentally investigated frustrated arrays of dipoles forming two-dimensional artificial spin ices with different lattice parameters (rectangular arrays with horizontal and vertical lattice spacings denoted by $a$ and $b$ respectively). Arrays with three different ratios $gamma =a/b = sqrt{2}$, $sqrt{3}$ and $sqrt{4}$ are studied. Theoretical calculations of low-energy demagnetized configurations for these same parameters are also presented. Experimental data for demagnetized samples confirm most of the theoretical results. However, the highest energy topology (doubly-charged monopoles) does not emerge in our theoretical model, while they are seen in experiments for large enough $gamma$. Our results also insinuate that magnetic monopoles may be almost free in rectangular lattices with a critical ratio $gamma = gamma_{c} = sqrt{3}$, supporting previous theoretical predictions.
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