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A constraint on the formation timescale of the young open cluster NGC 2264: Lithium abundance of pre-main sequence stars

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 Added by Beomdu Lim
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The timescale of cluster formation is an essential parameter in order to understand the formation process of star clusters. Pre-main sequence (PMS) stars in nearby young open clusters reveal a large spread in brightness. If the spread were considered as a result of a real spread in age, the corresponding cluster formation timescale would be about 5 -- 20 Myr. Hence it could be interpreted that star formation in an open cluster is prolonged for up to a few tens of Myr. However, difficulties in reddening correction, observational errors, and systematic uncertainties introduced by imperfect evolutionary models for PMS stars, can result in an artificial age spread. Alternatively, we can utilize Li abundance as a relative age indicator of PMS star to determine the cluster formation timescale. The optical spectra of 134 PMS stars in NGC 2264 have been obtained with MMT/Hectochelle. The equivalent widths have been measured for 86 PMS stars with a detectable Li line (3500 < T_eff [K] <= 6500). Li abundance under the condition of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) was derived using the conventional curve of growth method. After correction for non-LTE effects, we find that the initial Li abundance of NGC 2264 is A(Li) = 3.2 +/- 0.2. From the distribution of the Li abundances, the underlying age spread of the visible PMS stars is estimated to be about 3 -- 4 Myr and this, together with the presence of embedded populations in NGC 2264, suggests that the cluster formed on a timescale shorter than 5 Myr.

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We present results of multi-epoch (fourteen nights during 2007-2010) $V$-band photometry of the cluster NGC 1893 region to identify photometric variable stars in the cluster. The study identified a total of 53 stars showing photometric variability. The members associated with the region are identified on the basis of spectral energy distribution, $J-H/H-K$ two colour diagram and $V/V-I$ colour-magnitude diagram. The ages and masses of the majority of pre-main-sequence sources are found to be $lesssim$ 5 Myr and in the range 0.5 $lesssim$ $M/M_{odot}$ $lesssim$ 4, respectively. These pre-main-sequence sources hence could be T Tauri stars. We also determined the physical parameters like disk mass and accretion rate from the spectral energy distribution of these T Tauri stars. The periods of majority of the T Tauri stars range from 0.1 to 20 day. The brightness of Classical T Tauri stars is found to vary with larger amplitude in comparison to Weak line T Tauri stars. It is found that the amplitude decreases with increase in mass, which could be due to the dispersal of disks of massive stars.
In this paper we present time series photometry of 104 variable stars in the cluster region NGC 1893. The association of the present variable candidates to the cluster NGC 1893 has been determined by using $(U-B)/(B-V)$ and $(J-H)/(H-K)$ two colour diagrams, and $V/(V-I)$ colour magnitude diagram. Forty five stars are found to be main-sequence variables and these could be B-type variable stars associated with the cluster. We classified these objects as $beta$ Cep, slowly pulsating B stars and new class variables as discussed by Mowlavi et al. (2013). These variable candidates show $sim$0.005 to $sim$0.02 mag brightness variations with periods of $<$ 1.0 d. Seventeen new class variables are located in the $H-R$ diagram between the slowly pulsating B stars and $delta$ Scuti variables. Pulsation could be one of the causes for periodic brightness variations in these stars. The X-ray emission of present main-sequence variables associated with the cluster lies in the saturated region of X-ray luminosity versus period diagram and follows the general trend by Pizzolato et al. (2003).
We have performed mid-IR photometry of the young open cluster NGC 2264 using the images obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC and MIPS instruments and present a normalized classification scheme of young stellar objects in various color-color diagrams to make full use of the information from multicolor photometry. These results are compared with the classification scheme based on the slope of the spectral energy distribution (SED). From the spatial distributions of Class I and II stars, we have identified two subclusterings of Class I objects in the CONE region of Sung et al. The disked stars in the other star forming region S MON are mostly Class II objects. These three regions show a distinct difference in the fractional distribution of SED slopes as well as the mean value of SED slopes. The fraction of stars with primordial disks is nearly flat between log m = 0.2 -- -0.5, and that of transition disks is very high for solar mass stars. In addition, we have derived a somewhat higher value of the primordial disk fraction for NGC 2264 members located below the main pre-main sequence locus (so-called BMS stars). This result supports the idea that BMS stars are young stars with nearly edge-on disks. We have also found that the fraction of primordial disks is very low near the most massive star S Mon and increases with distance from S Mon.
217 - D. Fedele 2009
We present initial result of a large spectroscopic survey aimed at measuring the timescale of mass accretion in young, pre-main-sequence stars in the spectral type range K0 - M5. Using multi-object spectroscopy with VIMOS at the VLT we identified the fraction of accreting stars in a number of young stellar clusters and associations of ages between 1 - 50 Myr. The fraction of accreting stars decreases from ~60% at 1.5 - 2 Myr to ~2% at 10 Myr. No accreting stars are found after 10 Myr at a sensitivity limit of $10^{-11}$ Msun yr-1. We compared the fraction of stars showing ongoing accretion (f_acc) to the fraction of stars with near-to-mid infrared excess (f_IRAC). In most cases we find f_acc < f_IRAC, i.e., mass accretion appears to cease (or drop below detectable level) earlier than the dust is dissipated in the inner disk. At 5 Myr, 95% of the stellar population has stopped accreting material at a rate of > 10^{-11} Msun yr-1, while ~20% of the stars show near-infrared excess emission. Assuming an exponential decay, we measure a mass accretion timescale (t_acc) of 2.3 Myr, compared to a near-to-mid infrared excess timescale (t_IRAC) of 2.9 Myr. Planet formation, and/or migration, in the inner disk might be a viable mechanism to halt further accretion onto the central star on such a short timescale.
We have used fibre spectroscopy to establish cluster membership and examine pre-main-sequence (PMS) lithium depletion for low-mass stars (spectral types F to M) in the sparse young (~30 Myr) cluster IC 4665. We present a filtered candidate list of 40 stars that should contain 75 per cent of single cluster members with V of 11.5 to 18 in the central square degree of the cluster. Whilst F- and G-type stars in IC 4665 have depleted little or no lithium, the K- and early M-type stars have depleted more Li than expected when compared with similar stars in other clusters of known age. An empirical age estimate based on Li-depletion among the late-type stars of IC 4665 would suggest it is older than 100 Myr. This disagrees entirely with ages determined either from the nuclear turn-off, from isochronal matches to low-mass stars or from the re-appearance of lithium previously found in much lower mass stars (the ``lithium depletion boundary). We suggest that other parameters besides age, perhaps composition or rotation, are very influential in determining the degree of PMS Li-depletion in stars with M greater than 0.5 Msun. Further work is required to identify and assess the effects of these additional parameters, particularly to probe conditions at the interface between the sub-photospheric convection zone and developing radiative core. Until then, PMS Li depletion in F- to early M-type stars cannot be confidently used as a precise age indicator in young clusters, kinematic groups or individual field stars.
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