Anomalies in the peer-review system: A case study of the journal of High Energy Physics

Abstract in English

Peer-review system has long been relied upon for bringing quality research to the notice of the scientific community and also preventing flawed research from entering into the literature. The need for the peer-review system has often been debated as in numerous cases it has failed in its task and in most of these cases editors and the reviewers were thought to be responsible for not being able to correctly judge the quality of the work. This raises a question Can the peer-review system be improved? Since editors and reviewers are the most important pillars of a reviewing system, we in this work, attempt to address a related question - given the editing/reviewing history of the editors or re- viewers can we identify the under-performing ones?, with citations received by the edited/reviewed papers being used as proxy for quantifying performance. We term such review- ers and editors as anomalous and we believe identifying and removing them shall improve the performance of the peer- review system. Using a massive dataset of Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) consisting of 29k papers submitted between 1997 and 2015 with 95 editors and 4035 reviewers and their review history, we identify several factors which point to anomalous behavior of referees and editors. In fact the anomalous editors and reviewers account for 26.8% and 14.5% of the total editors and reviewers respectively and for most of these anomalous reviewers the performance degrades alarmingly over time.
