Veronesean almost binomial almost complete intersections

Abstract in English

The second Veronese ideal $I_n$ contains a natural complete intersection $J_n$ generated by the principal $2$-minors of a symmetric $(ntimes n)$-matrix. We determine subintersections of the primary decomposition of $J_n$ where one intersectand is omitted. If $I_n$ is omitted, the result is the other end of a complete intersection link as in liaison theory. These subintersections also yield interesting insights into binomial ideals and multigraded algebra. For example, if $n$ is even, $I_n$ is a Gorenstein ideal and the intersection of the remaining primary components of $J_n$ equals $J_n+langle f rangle$ for an explicit polynomial $f$ constructed from the fibers of the Veronese grading map.
