Modeling Mergers of Known Galactic Systems of Binary Neutron Stars

Abstract in English

We present a study of the merger of six different known galactic systems of binary neutron stars (BNS) of unequal mass with a mass ratio between $0.75$ and $0.99$. Specifically, these systems are J1756-2251, J0737-3039A, J1906+0746, B1534+12, J0453+1559 and B1913+16. We follow the dynamics of the merger from the late stage of the inspiral process up to $sim$ 20 ms after the system has merged, either to form a hyper-massive neutron star (NS) or a rotating black hole (BH), using a semi-realistic equation of state (EOS), namely the seven-segment piece-wise polytropic SLy with a thermal component. For the most extreme of these systems ($q=0.75$, J0453+1559), we also investigate the effects of different EOSs: APR4, H4, and MS1. Our numerical simulations are performed using only publicly available open source code such as, the Einstein Toolkit code deployed for the dynamical evolution and the LORENE code for the generation of the initial models. We show results on the gravitational wave signals, spectrogram and frequencies of the BNS after the merger and the BH properties in the two cases in which the system collapse within the simulated time.
